VIETNAM WAR STUDY GUIDEI- analyze the lyrics of one Vietnam War era song: i will provide itShort answer question topic: GULF OF TONKIN- WHAT HAPPENED?- HOW DID THE U.S. RESPOND?- EVALUATE THE RESULTS1.Self immolation2.Operation Ranch Hand3. Why use Tunnels? Who used them?4. Search and Destroy tactic?5. Military Draft Lottery6. Anti-war protests7. 1968 Democratic National Convention Chicago8. Tet Offensive9. My Lai Massacre10. Vietnamization11. Campus Protests and shootings - 2 campuses, examples12. Christmas Bombings13. Paris Peace AccordsEssay: 5 reasons why the U.S. lost the warA-B-C-D-E-F-qThe act of setting one self on fire especially as a form of protest or sacrificeIt was U.S. military operation to take down trees and plants to improve visibility for military operationsTunnels were useful in the surgency and series of tunnel networks. Soldiers used them to locate enemies bases.A millatary attic which consists of inserting in fantry forces ito hostile territory and directing them to search and then attackenemies bases immediately after that leave.If your number was called, you would be going to war.Good night 1968 democrat national condition was healed August 26-29 at the international anthem inChicago Illinois US.It was a war crime committed by the United States army person out on 16th of March 1968 in living mass murder ofunarmed civilians in district.Text University for kids were shot dead there in Columbia and Columbia university .Peace of chords is a document signed by the US to end the Vietnam war.One Natus and resolve a Vietnam war two the culturalweakness of the US and Vietnam, political and public issuesfor the military weakness of the American forces byAmericans stupid .Operation line back to also known as the Christmas ball bombing with a strategize being being conducted bythe US against the North Vietnam from December 20, 18th to December 29, 1972The tet was a major of the largest military campaign of the Vietnam war.San Francisco, New York Oakland and Berkeley were all demonstration on hub, especially during the height ofthe war in the late 1960s and early 1970s