Have you ever heard of the Rick Astley Paradox? If not this iswhat it is: If you ask Rick Astley for a DVD of the movie Up, hewon't give it to you because he's never gonna give you Up. However,by not giving you Up like you asked for it, he's letting you down. Thisis known as the Astley paradox.Another famous paradox is The Liar Paradox:The liar paradox orliar’s paradox statement is one of the simplest yet most famousparadoxes out there. The statement “this statement is a lie” or “thisstatement is false” is a paradox because if that statement is indeed alie, then it would be saying the truth. If the statement is the truth,however, then it would counter the premise that the statement is a lie.This statement contradicts itself and indicates that the statement isboth true and false. And yet another paradox that almost gave me a headache is TheUnexpected Hanging Paradox(it’s long[that’s what she said 😏 ] sobare with me):This paradox follows a condemned prisoner that ajudge sentenced to death by hanging. The judge tells the prisonerthat the executioner will hang him at noon on a weekday in thefollowing week. He also told the prisoner that the day of theexecution will be a surprise. Thus, the prisoner will not know theexact day of his execution. He will only know the day of his hangingwhen the executioner comes knocking on his cell door. The prisoner,upon hearing his punishment, reflected on it and concluded that he’llbe able to escape his execution. Because the execution will happenon a weekday, he argued that his execution can’t be on a Fridaybecause the judge told him that the day will be a surprise to him.Therefore, when Thursday passes and he’s still alive, he will knowthat the execution will be on Friday. This means that the day of the hanging won’t come as a surprise to him anymore. After drawingthe conclusion that the day of his execution can’t occur on a Friday,he reasons further and states that his execution cannot be on aThursday either. That’s because when he’s still alive whenWednesday noon passes, then the hanging must be on a Thursday,given that he already ruled out the possibility of a Friday execution.Therefore, a Thursday execution will not be a surprise as well. Usingthe same line of reasoning, he further argued that the execution alsowon’t occur on a Wednesday, a Tuesday, or a Monday. Aftermaking his arguments, he happily went back to his cell. He wasconfident that the surprise hanging will not happen at all. When theweek of the execution came, the executioner knocked on theprisoner’s cell door on a Wednesday. This came as a surprise to theprisoner, who was confident that the execution wouldn’t happen atall. Thus, what the judge told him eventually came true. The last and final paradox(for now) is known as The CrocodileParadox: Suppose that a crocodile grabs a young child from ariverbank. The child’s parent then asks the crocodile to return thechild safely, but the crocodile replies that he will return the child onlyif the parent can correctly guess if he will safely return the child ornot. Now, if the parent correctly guesses that the crocodile willreturn the child safely, then there will be no problem. If the parent iswrong, then the crocodile will keep the child. The paradox then arisesif the parent guesses that the crocodile will not return the child. Ifthis happens and the crocodile returns the child, then this willcontradict the parent’s answer and the crocodile will be breaking hispromise. Furthermore, if the crocodile does not return the child, thenthe parent will have correctly guessed the answer and the crocodileshould then return the child safely. However, this scenario wouldthen also result in the parent being wrong about the prediction.Therefore, there wouldn’t be any justifiable solution for what the