Arta Bingoyou drawyoung you draw you draw you drawAnime style realistic people animal bothanimalspeopleyou drawyoungeferyouprefer you show you keepotherstyle digital paperand off your yourworkwork to ur selfPen pencil Gallerydosen'tcountyou use you use freey you use you haveper pencil y spacemarker lots ofOc'syou have you're inTigh Jogye You asa least I multiale lots of sketchesmain Oc fandomyou followYou take whenthey during dumbheartsunits requests You hate You drawyou aresaycan I see classyour art Minedyou drawyoung you draw you draw you drawAnime style realistic people animal bothanimalspeopleyou draw you preferyouprefer you show You keepother digital paperand off your Yourworkstyle work to ur selfart Bothen pencil gallerydosen'tcountyou use you use freey you use you havemarker lots ofper pencil y Space or Oc'shighlighteryou have you're inJoygh you use you asa least I multiale lots of sketchesmain Oc fandom coloryou followyou take whenthey duringheartsunitsrequests YayhateYou drawyou aredumbcan I seeI am him your arts