I finished eating then decided to have a look around camp with Dev. He hadgotten a map from a camper and we got lost 3 times before he let me navigate.I had to admit, the camp was beautiful, not as much as Camp Halfblood but ithad its own feeling to it. Dev pointed out that there was a place where demigodscould live and start families within camp. The idea sounded amazing consideringeverything. Camp Halfblood was no longer open to me and Dev. Where could webe safe to raise our kid? Annabeth had told me that they were living there andtold me all about the good things the camp offered. I’ll have to mention it toDev later. I tell myself. We were walking when a loud gong reverberatedthroughout the camp. War horns sounded and the camp was thrown into chaos. Ilooked at Dev. Mors is here. He says in a serious tone. I nod. I stopped a camperasked the way to the nearest armory. They pointed toward the south where tonsof campers were pouring in and out of. Adrenaline coursed through me. I put onarmor and helped Dev with his. Lura. Please be safe. He said. Right back at you.I tell him. Im serious though Lura. He said. I know Dev but- no buts. He stoppedme. Dev. I say. No Lura. Please. For me. He says. I stared into his Eyes and Foundthem pleading. I sighed. Fine, ill stay in the back. I tell him. He wrapped me inhis arms. Thank you Lura. He says. Stay safe ok? I tell him. I will. He says andruns off. I sighed. I got an idea. I ran around and finally found what I waslooking for. Cypher and Evelyn were running around and I stopped them. stop. Iam not letting you guys into battle. I tell them. They stopped. But Lura-. No. Yourthe reason Mors is here so it would be stupid for you to just go right towardshim. I tell them. So what are We supposed to do then? Cypher asks me. I thinkfor a second. Come with me. I tell them. They follow me up to the hill that Ihad found earlier. We run to a place where we could see the whole battle. Alone dark figure walked toward camp. Lines of soldiers stood between the figureand the camp. I looked at the figure and a chill ran down my spine. I Looked atthe figure and even though it was far away I knew it anywhere. That was the
figure that had stolen Evelyn and sent me on the quest that had physically andmentally scarRed. I felt myself tense and I almost put a protective arm aroundeach of The twins. Is that? Evelyn asks me. Yes. Mors was the same one whostole you Evelyn. I tell her ans she tenses.