Why you chooseIChosevollyballgribe I lovevolleyballandtogetherandgot b O U r O S pygmyin agirlso put BecausethefrogsryaymuseumI LOVE catsmysmallbusiness is im not a furrylovelyLipsandI decidedtoput and my hamelovely Lakescoulee cakes is Samir So Imix Samir andStarrismy1stOCwhoisnotfromWorldofMythicamyfirststory I wantedtouseStarlightbutitwasairtakenso I changedthevowelstonumbersAndthe at togetherproduct starlightand gotsamcat I choose mine as it is because, myparents call me mischievous and I lovemagic, I think magic is really cool.—magic_mischifI chose crystalwolf because crystals are prettyand plus I was obsessed with the name Crystalat the time, and my favorite animal is a wolf!—@crystalwolf