Tyler should work for the police. He was able to get those kids to crack, faster than an egg. Theywanted to come because the Oracle had not left the Attic... sense ever. The two daughters ofAthena, would be our wisdom, and Devin... I think he just tagged along.I looked at Cole who seemed uncomfortable by the girl’s questions. The Cab stopped at a trainstation, and the driver looked at us.“I have something for you.” He said pulling stuff out. He handed Tyler a duffel bag full of cash. Hehanded Cole armor... his gladiator armor.“How did you get this? Hades had—”“I know all of the gods dead one.” He said smiling. He turned to me and handed me... my guitar. Ihad left it at school.“How did you—?”“Your father handed it to me.” The man explained. I smiled and took the guitar. We all walked to thetrain, and some how we all had tickets. We got into the train and all sat down. Nika was hilarious,and Lura was kind.Devin tried to explain more about how it was Nika’s idea, but I still wasn’t having it really. Coleleaned into my ear, and whispered something. I blushed and smiled. Tyler was able to keep us all ontopic, as we discussed how separate me from the flame.“What about Hades?! He’s going to try and kill us!” Devin said firmly.I glanced at Cole. “We have a gladiator.”“That’s Roman.” Lura said raising an eyebrow. I could tell she was confused and thinkingto herself so I shrugged instead of fighting back.The train was long, and it stopped several times. We ended up in Denver, and waited for thetrain to keep going. I looked at the others who looked hungry. “Alright guys. We can get out here.”“How?!”“We need to take the train!”I smiled at the girls. I remember the secret passages Nico told me about before I left.“There is always another way.”We got off, and headed into the center of Denver. We got to a park, and I headed to the stoneHorse.“Guys go in.” Cole said softly.“Wait what?” Devin, Lura, Tyler, and Nika said together.“Alright.” I said softly. I held up my hand and the passage opened. I glanced at Cole whohad his sword out. “Go! Tyler, take them in.”Tyler nodded as the kids tried to get to me and Cole, but Tyler made the strongest Vines tohold them in as the tunnel closed, and left them in the darkness.“What are you doing?!”“I’m not leaving you!” I said firmly. Cole smiled, and held up his sword as Hell Houndsapproached.“Just hounds?” Cole said putting his sword back. “You wanted something else?!” Two lunged at us, and Cole caught them with his hands. He squeezed, and I heard a large crackwithin a second. Cole dropped the limp hounds.“Well after fighting Cerberus... I expected harder.”“Then why didn’t you kill the Minotaur a few days ago?!” I snapped. Cole shrugged. “Your such ajerk.” I said getting the passage door back open.Cole ripped the vines down, and I guess the others walk quickly. The door closed leaving us in thefamiliar darkness. I held up my hand, and it made the golden ball of light... it shown brighter than itever had. Maybe being apart of the flame wasn’t that bad?Cole held my other hand as we walked down. The path narrowed, and Cole remembered to turnsideways.“LURA!” She turned several yard ahead and ran back with Devin by her side. She seemed glad tosee me and Cole were alive.“Thief y’all are! Tyler said y’all might have been kill! I didn’t believe him though... I’m wiser that that.”Nika said smiling. I couldn’t help but laugh, and we all kept going. After a while Cole let go of myhand. I turned and looked at him.No.Not now.Nika bursted out laughing with Tyler. Lura’s eyebrows raised as Devin was holding in laughter.Cole was stuck. “Um... I’m stuck.” He finally said. I looked ahead and saw an opening. “Really?!Right here right now?!” Cole nodded, and moved slightly, but the tunnel shook. It would come downif Cole kept wiggling around.“I hate you so much.”“Nah, you love me.”I rolled my eyes and turned to Devin. “Got something up your pocket?” Devin felt andshook his head. “Nope. I didn’t think about the Shrinking Solution.” He said softly.I turned to the daughters of Athena.“What about you guys?”The two thought for a while and talked about possible ways. “I say get Hades.” Nika finallysaid.“WHAT?! That’s the farthest thing from wise!” Lura fought.“To late...”We all turned to Tyler who was a sword point. The walls around Cole grew and he was ableto free himself.Hades looked at me and Cole. He got a grin smile. “You brought me four souls?”“No!”“I said you two could pass... not these four!” He said angrily. He was about to kill Tyler,when I said something. “FIGHT! I win you let us go and me and Cole with never come back withanyone. You win you kill us all.” I said firmly.Hades nodded. “Who is your champion?”“Who is yours?” I asked folding my arms. Hades got a grimmer smile. “Thanatos. Dragon of Death.” I didn’t want to look terrifiedbut my eyes showed it.“Who is yours?” Hades said. I looked at everyone, but smiled at Cole. Cole smiled, androlled his eyes.“The Son of War.”Hades’s remembered Cole and his smile withered. He looked at Cole’s necklace, and I noticed Lurapaying attention to it too.“That’s the tooth of Cerberus.” She finally said. “How on earth did you get that?!” She begged. Colesmiled at pointed to Hades.“You should ask how Cerberus is doing in the realm of spirits.” Cole said smiling grimly. I watched aLura, Devin, and Nika’s face changed. They suddenly realized Cole had killed the mighty Cerberus.A skeleton led Cole away, as I smiled. I hoped he wouldn’t get himself killed, because dragon’s werea whole different ball field.