A goat prince??Once open a time a time in a small village far far away a faun named Ainsley awaited for her price charming.You see about 16 years ago Ainsley was born in to a royal family. But one night she ran away. She was only one at the timeso she did not know any better. After that she never saw her parents again.Now only a few years later, 17 years old she is locked in a jail sell. How this might happen you ask? Well…When she was running she started to cry and stumbled upon the old man with glasses and a cane. She didn’t even noticeand BUMP! She ran right into the man. The man grabbed her and ran off with the little faun.The man brought the faun to a little cottage on top a hill. Ainsley liked the old man. She did not think much of it until theman brought her to a big building, it was gray and had lots of strong men and women. There were cars everywhere withblinking lights. And then the old man was gone. He left her there. All Alone!A man with a blue suit brought her to a place with bars, bed, toilet, towels, and a blanket.She was put in the cell and locked in there. The little faun never saw her parents or the old man again.Now here we are. Ainsley does not know what to do. But what she doesn’t know is back in the village where she was bornthe queen and king were holding a contest. The first to find her precious daughter won 1,000,000,000 faun bucks.A buy from a Wesley town, place was visiting and found the flyer. Since his parents wear poor he took on the challenge.The boys name was Xylan he had brown hair and a handsome face. Xylan did not know where to start. He needed to do theresearch so he went back to his home town, Wesley town. He found a magazine and read. After this he found out her namewas Ainsley and had blue eyes and red hair. He remembered a girl just like this from his child hood. He knew where to gonow.He headed straight he was going to go to Jacksonville. Jacksonville is know for the most crime. Once he got there he spenta day looking but could not find her. So he went to the police. The police men were mean he thought. But he told him thathe would let him talk to her. They went up a few stair and through hallways until he got there. There she was.The police left him and her alone for a while. They talked and laughed and enjoyed each others company.Xylan was falling for Ainsley. After about 20 minutes or so. They chose to sneak out. Xylan grabbed AinsleyAnd they ran so fast the cops did not have a chance of catching them even by car. They ran all the way to the village.Once they got there they had some lunch and Ainsley started to blush. After lunch lay went to the castle. Her parents werehappy to see there daughter.When Ainsley parents gave Xylan the money he refused he said i dint need the money my reward is Ainsley. I love yourdaughter sir. he pulled out a ring and said marry me Ainsley you never have to be alone i love you and thats all i reallyknow. Ansley looks at her parents they knotted and she said yes. Now they live happily after ever with three kids of theirown in a cottage on a hill.