u gottheU havesiblingsTrbestfriends u need feelin youalwaysneedis ur to sleep to justifynobffiPady more yourselfu had a u hear on ur haircrush on what others is dyeda boy soundstagesheucantefeally p sooyoupretend ur never u used to u don't wishsometimeu enoughforwereokay anyonedrinkeaur weren'tEmel dmuch nearlybut actually nothingp Theto u think ur favcoloris black red ur apoint urnails preppyno matter ifur Eglyp purplegreenblackpurple EWWWWmysisisanditissocringeany boyIsinu onceu had a ur theone u doanycrush on a who issupposedlysports fell offgirl a psycho a balconyu draw u would u livedescribe urself you wannamarrypotterMuch as beautiful diesobadlystuffdependsur roomU Own u have hesthousand ur alwaysa bestfriend so sadanda cat lambsbath no cluewhyin redlif neverusedthemOu still go u once had ur parentsto school thinkeverythingin schoolunfortunatelyse'd ur goodis alrightor were