key indicator on the basis of which market performGDP Inflation monetarypolicy FiscalPolicyexternal Accounts global factorwe are a servicebased economyagriculture helps15 of thepopulationto earn moneyspend on economytherefore it's a bigfactorRabi crop sowing If they publishdataevery month inorder to compre youcan compere withprevious month withcurrent month onlast year this monthto current year this monthsHowever in festive it's usually highPMI How much consumption is happening in the economypomistic airpassengertrafic automobile salescement asservicePMI exportscompre this with otherbig economyinflationfroneytypolicy 8 RBI an control demandside inflation but notsupply side inflationERR SLR REPO Re REPO MSF OMOs it's a goodindicator howeverCradit withoutanybase is badexport importJerrod oilglobalfactor o quantitative easinginterest rates of others centralbankPrinting new money has a direct impact on economy