Itsmum meanItHEEI beg of thy to spare me!Eat my sword Evil Lord!“Once Inside you will find Lord Evil and slay him!” Said the king“Ok” Said Keven“You must go to Lord Evil’s, Evil Tower!” Said the king“Ok” Said Keven“My time as king of this realm is coming to an end! You must go on a grand adventure in order become it’s new king!” Said the king“Ok” Said Keven Xistmaplire“Take this sword! I hear by name you Sir Keven the knight” Said the king“Thanks” Said KevenKing’s Castle(With his new sword Keven, left for the town of town)Town“Yo, I’m looking for an adventure. May I join you?” Said Square Guy“Sure” Said Keven(The two went into the nearby store) PppIgmapÉÉ“Hello, I sell magic weapons!” Said the guy that sells magic weapons“We are here to buy Square Guy a magic weapon” Said Keven“Don’t worry! I have just what your looking for” Said the guy that sells magic weapons“…”King’s Castle(With his new friend and his friends new sword, Keven, set off to the forest!)Town Forest itEItHE iÉEif fII 9 It Getman(A vary scary, Evil Scary Death Eater, suddenly appears)(In an instant Square Guy, brings down his sword!)(The Evil Scary Death Eater, is obliterated with only small chunks of him remaining!”)(However Square Guy’s sword is tragically stuck in the ground and he must leave it behind)End of Chapter 1“Yo this forest sure be dark and scary!” Said Square Guy