Anyone want to chatMind if join? I’m p u r p l e and bored :]Heyyyy :)I’m doing.. eh-You?*lmao seeing people dating here makes me wanna cry of jealousy and I’m dying rn*Also I think Lilly joinedHi void it’s jamilex29 and me to I’m so singleHi :)Singleeeeeeee :DI want a bf so badMind if i join, I’m a bi-sexual and i am @ojump_arts and i am sad bc my mom threw out my pride
flag. She is homophobic by the way. SO NOW SHE thinks I’m straight lolHiHola amigoHi void 😃 😀 🙂 🤗How are you void?I’m not 😳 I thought I would be single foreverWell at least someone isn’t singleI guess I’m so gay that when hesaid yes I throw a chair becauselast night I broke my Apple Pencilbecause of him saying that hewould think about it-Jax Oof :p