Magical weapons
Magical Weapons
A Powerful two-handed Sword with additional Reality-distorting and Special powers.
Powers Named: Can only be used to its ultimate, full potential once its name is learned.
Shape shifting: Allows the user to shapeshift.
Sleep Attack: Inflicts a sleeping curse; targets fall into a deep sleep when hit.
Origin: It supposedly came from the stars, and has a long list of previous owners. By this point, its existence is almost completely
Description: The sword has a medium length, highly irregularly-shaped blade.
It has an impractical guard, a yellow leather-bound grip, and a pommel with a sigil set inside a disk. It has no scabbard.
An Elemental one-handed Sword.
Powers Elemental - acid-imbued: Is a normal-looking sword until it's in use; it then glows and becomes visibly imbued with the
power of acid. Allows the wielder to blow large streams of acidic air.
Origin: It was enchanted by a complex ritual. It lies in the depths of an active volcano.
Description:The sword has a medium length, angular blade. The cream-coloured blade is made of an unknown material.
It has a complex guard, an elaborate grip, and a pommel decorated with silver strips. It has no scabbard.
A Powerful spherical Flail.
Unbreakable: Can never be broken.
Origin: It is supposedly the reincarnation of a fallen warrior, and was once lost for a long time.
Description: The flail head is small, covered in short spikes, and is connected to the haft with a very short thin rope. The head is
made of an unknown washed-out green-coloured metal. The walnut (strong, durable, versatile dark wood) shaft is highly
decorated. The whole flail is light-weight. It glows washed-out green in the hands of its master.