Welcome to Berlin, Germany!
Home of:
Grey food
Berlin Wall parts
“F- Biden” grati
The 16 year drinking age
A lot of holocaust memorials
Shot up buildings
I was traveling in a school group with my mom and sister. The rst night in Rome, my mom got a call
at 5AM from the Italian police in the hotel lobby. She came down and they asked her if she was
separated from her husband (thankfully she’s not) and they checked her and my passports. But they
had no interest in my sister. Only making sure my mom wasn’t taking me out of the country without
my dad’s permission or knowing? They seemed satised with my mom’s answers and left.
There was a memorial with some statues rocks on the platform
beneath them. As our guide was talking, I started stacking them and
making pretty shapes because I saw that someone else had done
A man from our group swatted my hand away and told me Jews put
those rocks there to honor family members and I was basically
making sandcastles on a grave.
I didn’t say anything because if I did I’d cry. But later I thought
about it. If my grave happens to have sand on it BUILD ME
SANDCASTLES. Turn sorrow into something beautiful! Morn me
for a week or so but after that I need you to laugh at the funny
things I did and admire my accomplishments. Remember me for
my life. Not my death.
We need to acknowledge suering, but don’t make that suering
cause more suering.
What was probably more interesting was my run in with interpol. Let me explain.
We got another call from the police for leaving our car in
the church parking lot at home for carpooling to the
airport. But that wasn’t related.
To get back to America, our group ew
from Berlin to Amsterdam and then
home. As we were trying to leave the
Amsterdam, while the guy was checking
my and my mom’s passports, he got a
funny look and pulled us over to a side
area to wait. Now we had only had an
hour layover in Amsterdam. The Berlin
ight had been slow and by the time we
got to passport check, our next ight
was boarding. We had to wait 10min and
by that point we were getting really
worried about missing our ight. But
then they let us go. Apparently
PERSON. So pray for
MonkeybearQueen #2 because she
probably really needs it.
We ran over to our gate and it turned out
the plane had been delayed and we had
plenty of time to get on.