ur part oIgbtgthave a u once ur notgoodsketch burn brokeanytdalk w talking toother peoplen a book where boneldidity hatetalkingtou draw ur pllthat not myofay Pain anything menosefriends tur head ur battery time is overis sometimesmvery loudand is always verysensitive 6 hours adayCUZ u qqsometimesu cen'tsleep low what meansgoessleepiwigiufmefiestizn.si egentoggevenryghtongI needmoreItakethingstooseriouslyur playin u don't likeur handwriting u love human likeinstrument asia asianpplcantThe SAY to stare atdoes arecorderTS 60071 40BUT ITSNOT I stare backlikewhy u StarinU Some ur afraid you lovetimes of what foodespecially is mediumotherswill noodlesneed a saymy myDeets wolfout DknifeUhm dependsI dontgowhen uu life get u like to burn were youngur theschool hehefamily to bed latebut a playeddisappointment to stay up 7 f lil psychoIdkIonlyo o early it be games inwhyIwasandstill Iseepeople ur mind offthwatnetttandwhen u u haveactually u like to wear ur friends a word u sayhateevery dresses in got weird way toooftenthingabout names mineis omYOU iwonderwhy SAME