Poem because why not
In silken shadows cloaked in night,
I roam the realms where stars take ight.
A whispered breeze, my heartbeats quick,
With courage drawn from moonlight's ick.
Through tangled woods and skies so deep,
I tread where secrets long to sleep.
A castle looms with towers high,
Where echoes of a princess sigh.
Her laughter caught in chains of dread,
By an evil beast whose eyes are red.
With scales like shadows and claws like storms,
It guards the light that hope transforms.
But I am swift as midnight’s call,
Dancing through darkness lest she fall—
A tapestry woven with threads of fate;
To free her soul before too late.
Deep within the cavern's mouth wide—
The monster waits with clenching pride.
Yet armed with dreams no fear can smother,
I face such fury—a ame to cover!
“Fear not,” I whisper on anguished air;
For love is erce; it breaks despair!
With every breath—the ght ignites:
Fury burning through sleepless nights!
Each ash of steel—a glimmer bright—
Pierces clouds as black as fright;
And in this clash of fangs and re—
I nd my strength reigniting desire!
The roar resounds—a storm unleashed—
Yet I hold fast—I shall not cease!
For you await beyond this strife
My promise bound within your life…
At last at dawn we see our chance—thee:
Your safety found ‘neath emerald tree!
When sunlight kisses broken chains
The magic ows through all remains…
Now hand in hand beneath new skies,—
No longer captive where sorrow lies.—
Together strong—we’ve forged anew,—
As night remembers how love ew...
So here we stand while twilight hums
Two souls united when morning comes:
From darkness sprung into day’s embrace
Side by side—with joy interlaced!