Welcome to Rome, Italy!Home of:Ruins•The Pantheon•Vatican City and St Peter’s Basilica•(technically another country)•More pushy vendors•Pickpockets•The Colosseum•rItwositrenlythatexciting butI despisecities Romewasjustmore wasthe firsttimesomeonehad rainsa pedestrainfriendlyÉE ÉVictimGmtPickpocketToomanyuncaringbusytryingnotftpT innocentappearance1 staringatotherpeoplesstufftohaveanother1aiiié iiitheloot toomanybagsfor80sthemedbirthdayparty theirs t.pew14msheFEETstoragefor II EEEgg p phonemoneyI almost got pickpocketed. I live in the country sothis is not something that happens around me. Butapparently in Rome.I was trying to get on a subway through a supercrowded tunnel. I noticed an old lady next to me so Igave her room to pass me by slowing down. But shedidn’t pass me even though she had lots of room. Igive her eye contact (try to, couldn’t see through herindoor sunglasses). She’s still too close to me whenI sense her hand reaching towards me. I give her eyecontact again and say “Leave me alone” very firmly.Then she disappears into the crowd like a banishedfae or something. I had just started cramping andwas not having anything. Not even from a creepy oldlady.Other than pickpockets, there were a lotof ruins which were cool for the first dayor so. My least favorite out of the placesI visited because of the crowds