Life update
Hey peeps! I have some
new updates for you!
Boyfriend: I still have the same
boyfriend! I love him so much! He
really cares for me and supports
me no matter what! We have
been dating for 6 months and it
will be 7 months on November
20th. We also kissed!!!! 😘 ❀
Friends: I have made some new
amazing and cool friends who
care about me and make me feel
School events I intend: I have
went to homecoming and it was
the best night of my life and I was
so happy to spend it with my
favorite person on earth my
boyfriend! ❀
Sport life: I am currently not doing
any sports because cross country
season is over. I will be starting
track in the spring.
My new friend on the gallery: I
have been talking to someone on
the gallery and we are coming
very close friends. Her name is
@faithbell754 so if you don’t
follow her already go follow her.
She is a real great friend and I am
glad I started talking to her.
School: My school life has been
very busy and that is why I am
not posting that much but I will
be trying to post something every
week or two. Thanks for
understanding! 9th grade is very
stressful and hard for me so I
need to focus more on school.
That is all my updates peeps!
Thanks for your time!
Peace love and little doughnuts
✌ πŸ’• 🍩