So there’s this event at my school called step it up (you mightknow it to if the fundraiser it at your school as well) and it justseems wrong to me. The whole event is just some guy getting youto send emails to family, ask them to donate and get veryextremely expensive items for it that shouldn’t be given away at aSCHOOL EVENT! They have stuff like an iPad and a VRheadset like WHAT?! Also the guy that presents it just has aweird vibe that I don’t like. They have a presentation projected onthe wall and like half of the slides are GIFs of dogs dancing andraining money! It’s like their trying to bribe you to donate likeparents are gonna do it anyway! You don’t need to be thisextreme people! They just give away free stuff like it’s no bigdeal! One of the prizes is a slushy machine for your room but noone’s parents are gonna let them keep that in their room!Another prize was a book and a chicken pouch that they advertised to be specificity for hiding candy from siblings andparents?! Why are they telling this to middle schoolers?! It’s likethey want them to do bad things! At the end of the assemblythey RANDOMLY selected a person and told them they weregoing to make sure everyone knew what was going to happen.THEN THEY BASICALLY JUST GAVE THEM ALMOSTEVERY PRIZE FOR FREE!! LIKE WHAT???. Also one of theprizes for donating is a $50 Amazon gift card but guess howmuch you have to donate… 1000 DOLLARS!! like WHAT!?!Overall this is a terrible event and they guy presenting it gives mebad vibes and it should just not be a thing. Also the principleorganizes it but only the teachers watch it so they have no ideawhat’s going on and step it up will probably keep coming. Alsolike the name says the whole presentation was basically them justsays “but we can do better!” And then giving us anothercompletely absurd prize. So yeah.