Stardew Valley Notes
Marine loved gifts:
Prismatic Shard
Magic Rock Candy
Golden Pumpkin
Penny loved gifts:
Red Plate
Pierre loved gifts:
Fried Calamari
Prism Shard
Rabbit's foot
Krobus loved gifts:
All Universal Loves
Iridium Bar
Void Egg
Void Mayonnaise
Wild Horseradish
Maru loved gifts:
Cheese Cauliflower
Pepper Poppers
Rhubarb Pie
Miner's Treat
Gold Bar
Iridium Bar
Battery Pack
Sam loved gifts:
Cactus Fruit
Maple Bars
Vincent loved gifts:
Cranberry Crunch
Pink Cake
Prism Shard
Rabbit's foot
Jas loved gifts:
Fairy Rose
Pink Cake
Plum Pudding
Prism Shard
Rabbit's foot
Sebastian loved gifts:
Frozen tear
Pumpkin soup
Void egg
Wizard loved gifts:
Purple Mushroom
Rabbit's Foot
Super Cucumber
Golden Pumpkin
Magic Rock Candy
Prismatic Shard
Solar Essence
Linus loved gift:
Blueberry Tart
Cactus Fruit
Dish o' The Sea
Prism Shard
Rabbit's foot
Lewis loved gift:
Rabbit's Foot
Hot Pepper
Autumn's Bounty
Glazed Yams
Vegetable Medley
Golden Pumpkin
Magic Rock Candy
Shane loved gift:
Hot Pepper
Pepper Poppers
Alex loved gift:
Rabbit's Foot
Complete Breakfast
Salmon Dinner
Golden Pumpkin
Magic Rock Candy
Prismatic Shard
Abigail loved gift:
All universal loves
Banana pudding
Blackberry cobbler
Chocolate cake
Spicy eel
To make things easier clear out farm on first season or it will overgrow and make it harder to clear
One of the farm buildings you can have on your farm is the coop (you can learn here how to get a
coop in Stardew Valley). The coop initially houses only chickens, but it can be upgraded to unlock
other animals like ducks and rabbits.
One of the farm buildings you can have on your farm is the barn (you can learn here how to get a
coop in Stardew Valley). The barn initially houses only cows, but it can be upgraded to unlock other
animals like goats and pigs.
To get a goat on your farm, you'll have to own a Big Barn that has less than eight animals inside. If
that's your case, then simply go to Marnie's Ranch and purchase one goat for 4,000g; a little goat
will be sent to your farm, where it'll grow after five nights have passed.
To get Large Milk, you will have to raise your affection rating with their cows up to five hearts. The
heart meter goes up by half and each half is 100 affection points.
The Large Egg and the Large Brown Egg are animal products obtained from Chickens with sufficient
The Queen of Sauce is a television channel which teaches the player cooking recipes. Beginning on
Spring 7, a new recipe airs each Sunday for the first 2 years of the game. On Wednesdays a random
recipe that has aired on a Sunday in the past airs as a "Re-run".
How many eggs do you need to beat Abigail in the Egg Hunt?
You need nine eggs or more.The main attraction of the Egg Festival is the egg hunt, which will pit
you against the villagers in a race to collect as many eggs as you can. Talk to Lewis to begin the
egg hunt. You've got 50 seconds to gather at least nine eggs or Abigail will automatically win.
Sashimi requires 1 raw Fish (any). The recipe for it is given to the player in a letter by Linus when
friendship reaches 3 hearts.
Give them back to Mayor Lewis to get 750g as well as 1 friendship heart. Place them on your
Grange display during Fall to receive 750 Star Tokens from the Mayor as a bribe to keep his secret.
Add the shorts to the soup during the Luau festival to see a unique dialogue between the Governor
and Lewis.
Unfortunately, building a friendship with Krobus doesn't come with the same kind of content as a
regular romance in Stardew Valley would. However, players can still get two different heart events
with him: one at three hearts where he sends a crafting recipe in the mail and a short, sweet scene
at fourteen hearts.
One Stardrop can be obtained from each of the following sources:
Sold for 2,000 at the Stardew Valley Fair.
Obtained from the treasure chest on floor 100 in The Mines.
From the player's spouse or roommate when friendship level reaches 12.5 hearts.
Sold by Krobus for 20,000g in The Sewers.
donating 60 different items to the Museum you get a Rusty Key to open the sewer (__/60)
The Shadow Guy's footsteps lead to a bush next to the playground, left of the Community Center. If
the player interacts with the bush, the Shadow Guy will pop out of it, apologize for stealing, give the
player a Magnifying Glass, then run away.
Void Essence in the Mines
Once a player reaches level 80 and up in the mines, they can begin to collect this resource by killing
shadow creatures namely Brutes and Shamans. It can take a bit to defeat them, but once the final
hit connects, the void essence will drop effortlessly.
The Diamond is a Mineral that can be obtained from Diamond Nodes in the Mines on floors 50+ and
Gem Nodes in the Mines on any floor. A diamond may also be dropped by any Monster after
reaching the bottom of the Mines.
Solar Essence is a Monster Loot item that is dropped by Ghosts, Metal Heads, Mummies, or sold by
In order to produce Pale Ale, you'll need to first gather two things: Hops and a Keg. In order to get
Hops, you will need to purchase the Hops Starter from Pierre's General Store for 60g. Alternatively,
you can purchase it from JojaMart for 60g if you have a membership, or for 75g if you don't.
You can build Kegs using 30 Wood, 1 Copper Bar, 1 Iron Bar, and 1 Oak Resin. However, you'll only
unlock the crafting recipe after reaching level 8 in the Farming skill. You'll also get a Keg as a reward
for completing the Artisan Bundle in the Pantry inside the Community Center.
It can be used in dyeing, serving as an orange dye at the dye pots, located in Emily's and Haley's
house, 2 Willow Lane.
There are four ways to obtain a Void Egg:
Random event at night where a witch flies over a chicken coop and leaves a Void Egg.1.
Purchasing it from the Traveling Cart on a Friday or Sunday for up to 1200 gold.2.
Obtain a Void Chicken by hatching a Void Egg in the incubator.3.
Purchasing it from Krobus for 5000 gold4.
The Golden Pumpkin is an item that can be obtained each year during the Spirit's Eve Festival by
completing the maze. It can also be found in Artifact Troves (3.7% chance). The Golden Pumpkin is
a prize obtained by completing the Spirit's Eve Festival maze. It currently has no purpose other than
selling it for a profit of 2500G.
Aside from Artefact Troves, completing the Haunted Maze is also the only way to obtain a Golden
Pumpkin in Stardew Valley, which means, no matter your decision, it's always worth collecting. The
Haunted Maze is pretty easy to navigate; simply follow the path along until you reach a sign with a
question mark on it.
A blacksmith can break this open for you. The Magma Geode is a mineral that can be found in
levels 81-120 in the Mine and inside Fishing treasure chests.
The Galaxy Sword is a sword-type weapon that can be obtained by taking a Prismatic Shard to the
Three Pillars in the Calico Desert. While holding the shard, enter the centermost tile between the
three pillars. The Prismatic Shard will be consumed, and the player will now hold the Galaxy Sword.
Locations. Prismatic shards can be found in: 25% chance from a Mystic Stone in The Mines at level
100+, Skull Cavern and Quarry. 4% chance from an Iridium Node in Skull Cavern, Quarry and
Volcano Dungeon.
In the Quarry, rocks and gem nodes will appear each day. There's a small chance that a Mystic
Stone or mineral node containing a Prismatic Shard will appear.
The Quarry exists as a mining zone complete with all available ore related resources found in the
Mine. The area can be accessed by crossing the bridge near the Adventurer's Guild or by taking the
mine cart. The bridge must first be unlocked by completing the all the Crafts Room bundles.
The Rainbow Shell is found via foraging at The Beach in the Summer. It may also spawn on the
Beach Farm during any season. It can also be obtained through the Traveling Cart or in The Mines
after activating the Shrine of Challenge or during the Danger In The Deep quest.
The Beach
It's a very beautiful shell. The Rainbow Shell is found via foraging at The Beach in the Summer. It
may also spawn on the Beach Farm during any season. It can also be obtained through the
Traveling Cart or in The Mines after activating the Shrine of Challenge or during the Danger In The
Deep quest.
If you visit Pierre's shop and enter his bedroom, you'll trigger the six-heart event cut-scene. After
going around the room, you'll find 'Pierre's secret stash' hidden behind a bookshelf. When he
catches you, he'll request that you don't disclose what you saw to anyone.
If you maintain a 10-heart relationship with your spouse, already have the nursery, have not
removed the crib, and have been married for at least 7 days, there is a 5% chance that you will be
asked if you want to adopt a child. If you agree, the adoption will occur after 14 days
The Magma Geode is a mineral that can be found in the Mine and inside Fishing treasure chests.
You can find these geodes on levels 81-120.
The Tapper is a type of Refining Equipment that can be placed on a tree to produce Maple Syrup,
Oak Resin, Pine Tar, or Sap. It can also be placed on a Mushroom Tree to produce different
mushrooms. The Tapper can be removed from a tree by hitting it once with an axe or pickaxe.
Solar Panel is a piece of Refining Equipment that generates 1 Battery Pack the morning after 7
sunny days when placed outdoors (including the day it was placed). The player receives the recipe
after completing Caroline's Special Order "Island Ingredients".
The Truffle is a rare mushroom. It can be obtained by releasing an adult Pig (needs a Deluxe Barn).
The pig will search for the truffle, which will be dropped on the ground every day.
Fire Quartz is a Mineral. It can be foraged in the Mines (floors 80+), in the Skull Cavern or found
inside a Magma Geode or Omni Geode.
Quality Sprinklers can be purchased from the traveling cart in the woods for a price ranging
between 1,300g and 2,250g. They are stocked randomly, so players won't necessarily be able to
plan around getting them. Iridium Sprinklers can be purchased once each week from Krobus for
10,000g, but only on Fridays.
To get a pufferfish it has to be Summer from 12pm to 4pm, it also has to be sunny weather.
What happens when you put a staircase in your pants slot Stardew?
Placing a staircase in the pants slot of the player's inventory turns it into a secret clothing item.
What do you do with a 120 Stardew floor?
the mine in the village only goes to 120 Once you get there it will give you a skeleton key. You use
the skeleton key on the door to the desert mines. Those mines are ifinite with no end and you can
mine iridium at the desert mine
Can you marry your co op player Stardew?
Stardew Valley lets you marry your friends and other players in the co-op mode. Go to the Traveling
Cart near the pond in Cindersap Forest between six and eight PM. You can find it there on Fridays
and Saturdays. Click the Cart and purchase the Wedding Ring recipe for 1,000 gold
Prismatic Shards can be obtained from Mining, Fishing Treasure Chests, Monsters' drop, Rainbow
Trout Fish Ponds, treasure rooms in the Skull Cavern, or the Statue Of True Perfection.
Locations. Prismatic shards can be found in: 25% chance from a Mystic Stone in The Mines at level
100+, Skull Cavern and Quarry. 4% chance from an Iridium Node in Skull Cavern, Quarry and
Volcano Dungeon.
Sea Cucumber. You can find this rare fish in the ocean. It only comes out in the evening, during
summer and winter.
Put a Red mushroom in the potluck at the luau to get the governor sick.
You can place oil makers anywhere on your farm. To use it, just walk up to a truffle and interact with
the oil maker. This will place the truffle inside. It will take six in-game hours to make one truffle oil
How do you get first place in the Stardew Valley Fair?
Bring 9 items, one from each quality. The highest quality items you have, there are 8 categories, so
bring one duplicate item.
The Items:
Vegetables: Fruits:
Artichoke Red Cabbage Hot Pepper Orange
Cauliflower Pumpkin Mango Apple
Minerals: Flowers & Foraging:
Diamond Ruby Fairy Rose Morel
Prismatic Shard Emerald Maple Syrup Blue Jazz
Fish: Cooking (cooked dishes):
Crimson Fish Albacore Complete Breakfast Maki Roll
Eel Halibut Autumn Bundle Fish Taco
Artisan Goods: Animal Products:
Cheese Cloth Milk Wool
Honey Mayonnaise Eggs Duck Feather