Australia Quiz by Kaycee dragonbeardcandyanswer in comments or remixHowmany Aboriginal tribes are thereWhat is the capital of AustraliaWhat is the national anthema We are oneb We are australian I am Australianc advance australia faird I still call Australia homeWhat isthe name of fame Aussie dancea Nutkraceb NutcrackerC AusDanceD KoalaMireE StrayaF Nutbush Iwrite one line fromWaltzing MatildaWhat was the first fleetWhat was the stolen generationDoes Australia recognise appreciate the pain andsacrifices Aborigionals had to go throughName some Aboriginal tribes infoEachtribe has a name andlanguagetheyspeakTheyhave their own seasons as wellChildren in primary school are now taught about thelanguage and lifestyle of the tribe areathey are inWhat is the sign language used in australiaa Aussie andb ASLC BSLd NSLE AUSLF auslandG CALH Auslaand Draw Australiaif you remixed Name the statesName the territorysName the capitalsWrite About australia