Math 2:48 . today we have to docorrections and I already finishedsince i only had to fix 2 and i can dowhat i wantScience 11:22. We did notes and wehad to type our answer and i hatetyping im so hungry too can’t wait forfood.Lunch 11:53. In one of the lines theyhad my favorite and i asked mycrushes freind to ask my crush for hisfortnight usernameWrigting 8:27. All we did was do i.x.lso i could listen to my music it waschill Choir 10:10 we did our music andplayed a game i got a choir stickerIbis 9:26 for anxiety. We walked and Ithrew a candy at the coach but itlanded on a boy that was doing sit upsSocial study’s 1:38. we maderusiandolls and watched the nut crackerand watched other stuffPre athletic1:18 i forgot my shoes andwe played soccer and hula hoop tag Reading 3:13. We read our chaptersand did a warm up im so thirsty rightnow