Update abt my crush 🥰
So, Ik it’s been awhile since I talked abt Curly Fry. For those of you who
don’t know who Curly Fry is, that’s the nickname for the guy that I like bc he
has curly-ish blonde hair. Anyway. For the past three days at school he wore
the same hoodie. IN A ROW PEOPLE. ANYWAY, on the rst day he wore it, I
was hanging out with one of my friends that has Squad and Seminar with
him and he heard me talking abt him without knowing I was talking abt HIM
🫣 😳 😬 . He heard me say that I liked his hoodie and it looked comfy, and I
NEVER said his name I just said, “His hoodie looks comfy. I want it so bad”
and WHAT DOES HE DO? He wears it again on Thursday and Friday. He is
soooooooooooooo ne 😍 😍 😍 😍