Yo axle
hey Hayden we don’t know each other but you seem like a chill dude and I’ve seen you most recent
post I not only with unbroken time say something I will. You see when I was in 7th-8th grade I
thought I was the one who caused all the problems for everyone I started to hate myself becoming
suicidal cutting trying to die I isolated myself from my few friends family and I just started to hide It
from everyone. Then one day i went blank I stoped caring about everything my grades, my life, work
just stoped until I helped a friend get over there depression and I saw what I looked like and seen I
was doing. So 9th grades here and I’m more interested I life but still I don’t give 2 Fucx’s person.
What I’m trying to get at is do this to your self @lexxaaa is just some person saying words to make
her feel like she as power over ya, I had a 7th grade friend once upon a story I was get grounded
buy 6th graders (fyi I was in 2ed grade) getting bullyed and shit man he came in the circle and
knocked the kid the was kicking me right out best day ever. Anyway you ain’t no burden or extra
weight or causing a struggle your an good kid man 🤙