Slay rp (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3) (2)
RP! FOR @allthegoodnamesaretaken @rosey-2_2 and @pompompurin! Please do not join unless I
allow u to! <3
(Oc interactions)
Yui: hey guys! How’s it goin’ she smiles happily at seeing them
Ember: hi I have to go take a science quiz I’ll brb
Yui: oh well I gotta take it next period lol wishing u luck rn
Ember: hey I’m back lol it was easy and Mrs.V gave us an extra 5 points
Yui: HOW!!!?
Ember: the 20th question says press yes to get 5 points but yes is the only option
Yui:so all u had to do is press yes? For 5 FREE POINTS?! YIPEEE
Batz: Wsp guys. Just got back from some math stu. *The Gir hat on his head squints*
Yui: o the bat.. yes pun intended. You started o with my fave subject and I probably failed that
science test
Batz: That sucks. I’m real good at science, I’m totally gonna get a 100. *The Gir hat returns to normal
and he smiles underneath his uy bangs.*
Yui: ur lucky u understand that stu *she looks down frowning*
Batz: *He shrugs. The Gir hat looks like it’s smiling* Hey, don’t be sad. I’m sure you didn’t do too bad.
Plus, not everyone is a smart and perfect as ME. *He jokes*
Yui: oh mah gosh I got a 70…. Anyways!*she looks down at paper and sighs.* what else happened to
Batz: *shrugs* I ate a moldy cookie on accident. It was in my lunch box from a month ago.
Yui: was it green or green and sticky cosss.. *she looks up* YUMMMM those are delay when they’re
green and sticky *she bellows* joking, I hate mold, it gets me sick.
Batz: *laughs, and then pauses with the STRAIGHTEST STONE FACE EVER* Actually, it was pretty
Yui: watch out for *giggles then stops * salmonella :3 (name of ur old ex (idk if that’s sum
good lore))
Kyari: hey guys! *kyari walks to the table* what are we talking abt?
Yui: boring stu, science grades and moldy cookies :3 *she’s still saddened by her science
Batz: Yeah Yui is also kinda sad about that science test. At least she’s passing. *He shrugs*
Yui: passing with a 94 now.. I hate .. HATE, getting smth below a 80…
Batz: I guess I don’t care as much as you, cos I’ve made worse grades and idc.
Yui: oh sh- so ur failing. WAIT NO.! I can’t see you in class anymore then *sad but the goes
serious af* care or ill make u care… *she stares at his soul* watch it young man…
Kyari: *stops zoning out* WE HAVE A SCIENCE TEST?!?!?! *she facepalms and squeals* I’m
cooked with a capital K
Batz: Whoa, I’m not failing! *he smirks* I just don’t mind cuz I get A’s on everything else.
*cackles, then turns to Kyari* Also, cooked doesn’t start with K. Good luck. *shakes his head
in disappointment.*
Kyari: *makes a pouty face* I know that, I was just trying to be funny🫤
Yui: hey don’t make kyari sad. Wait did Yall nish the Egyptian god presentation?
Batz: *tells Kyari sorry but then Gir hat eyes go wide* WHAT Egyptian god presentation?
Yui: it’s due.. today batz.. ermmm please tell me you nished?