Guys, this is how I KNOW people don’t pay attention to my posts! Iposted a note that said check remix and people just blindly liked itwithout even lookin at it (sad)the people who actually pay attention to artists post actually checkedthe remix. 😤it makes me very sad because now I know people just tap the likebutton without even looking at the note, how do you l SLEEP ATNIGHT?! ☹anyways, check my last note that had a remix on it, cuz I spent from9:00pm to 11:00pm writing it, and I also woke up early 2 write it cuzmy parents r annoying (sorry mom and dad)I also feel like you guys blindly like posts when there’s art on it, but ifthere’s text, you immediately read it as if I’m gonna expose some juicyart stealers or drama 😃