Shoutout #6
Shoutout to the following people! Before we get to that thank you for following @littlehimmy. Here is
the shoutout I promised. Please follow these people if you haven’t.
@annie_b: Thank you for being super kind and following my friend @littlehimmy! I hope you reach1.
all of your goals and continue to post cool things!
@banana_ninja: Thank you for being super kind as well, Continue to post amazing things and2.
make people’s day.
@dark_wolf503: Thank you for being a good friend to me. You are amazing and special! Keep3.
@jackskellington: Thank you for following @littlehimmy and here is your shoutout just like I4.
promised! Keep posting great things!
@jakedubs: Thank you for following my friend and just posting amazing things and I hope you5.
reach your goals!
@kaliii_2689: Thank you for following my friend!6.
@leolee: Thank you! You are amazing and I hope you reach your goals for notability!7.
@livian: You are amazing and thank you for following my friend!8.
@starxx_787: I’m pretty sure most people have followed you but thank you for following my friend9.
and here is your shoutout as promised!
These are all amazing people who are very kind! Go
follow them if you haven’t. Sorry about the change in
font and more shoutouts coming soon!