ftp.TFieoiEesiiaiaiia ftp.gifiiosiftp.fipqs.PHiqfi.itiii ifeng.itEtyioa.dsI..I just wokeup from adream. Andyou me hadto say goodbyeeee… idkwhat it allment. But since Isurvived, Irealized…Where ever yougo that’s whereI’ll follow…Nobody’s promisedtomorrow…So i’m hug you every night likeit’s the last time, like it’s thelast time. 80MARTYYEEnhfEfiiiiiie.fiaasisIf the party is over and our time on earth wasthoughhhhhouuuuu.I want to hold you, just for a while… and DIEWITH A SMILE!!! If the world was ending i’d wantto be next to youuu…ouuuu.If the world id ending i’d want to benext to youuuouuuuuu.