The evil Wings of Fire character:flyName:flyTribe:skywingColor:red with a little whiteAbility:good flier and fighter can breath fire can withstand cold temperaturesIntroduction:soar is a really grumpy dragon like talk to him and he’ll get annoyed with you afterbeing kicked out of jade mountain academy a long time ago like maybe 3 years ago for attemptedmurder of a student he’s sworn revenge on the dragonets of Destiny and there new apprenticeswhen he found a animus touched object lost to time he found the one thing that will allow him totake over pyheria and pantala the only one who knows anything about soar is Scorpio who knowswhat the animus object does it turnes anybody who has it into a animus but not just any animus themost powerful animus able to do anything so Scorpios Been trying his best to stop soar but it’s noteasy too for he will not stop at anything until those destiny dragonets are destroyed he’s just waitingbecause while he has strong animus magic he can’t protect himself from it but when will he strike