Never NeverhaveI everhave I I ever stole I ever have Iever ever fakedGhosted kissing ur stitch edgeee Crush on a being sickSomeone Crush CelebrityNeverhave Neverhave Never have Neverhave NeverhavemeL jigI ever I ever I ever I everspelled myI everbeen eaten laughed ate aexpelled food from name at a joke bug oror held wrong I didnt mudback theidrfloor manytimes igetall gethave never haveI everbyputting i luvaccidentally a pushmm IssamPickingmy called my everythingcleaningintheclosetNeverhavenever have Never have Neverhave Never haveI everstayedup I ever tripped I ever i pulled I ever I everuntill 3 and fell dropped at'atters believed sharedmyshotphone in in ghosts food withinmorthings in Public the toilet myclosetopenedby my petNeverhave never have Never have Never have Never haveI ever I everatiktoke I ever said I ever it I sangsungmiserablydanced inin thebathroom a mirror youtoo on missed a in thefront of accident high five shower Me okay2011Never I everdreamedabout I ever stole Neverhate Neverhave I I ever have Ieverkissing or anything had a ever fakedGhosted when I crush on a being sickSomeone Crush was 5 CelebrityNeverhave Neverhave Never have Neverhave NeverhaveI ever I ever I ever I everlaughedµjjjjjjjgjjj.ggexpelled eaten Uhhhspelled myI ever as abeen ate a baby Ior held food from hayfong accidentlyI digdent mud ate mudI evergotcaught I everanpush byputtingstill doPickingmy called my everything it nowdoorLyles inthe closetNeverhavenever have Never have Neverhave Never haveI ever I ever tripped I ever I ever I everstayedupuntill 3 and fell dropped a believed sharedmyPhone inin the in Public the toilet in ghosts food withmorning my petNeverhave Never have Never haveI ever said Never have Never haveI ever I ever I ever I sangsungmiserablydanced inin the a mirror youtoo on missed a in thebathroom front of accident high five shower