Just finished The Outsiders (best book fr) so now Iām gonna read:Gone With The WindThe Great GatsbyOf Mice and MenThe Count of Mounte Cristo (not the abridged version, sadly)The Picture Of Dorian GrayWish me luck š šBut first, im gonna watch The Outsiders movie (again, Steve andSodapop are fr my favorites)š«µ š¤What else should I read?(Other favorite books are Catching Jordan, The Words We Keep, TheWay You Ruined My Life, We All Fall Down, The Bunker Diary,ALONE, The Crossover, Letters To The Lost, Birdies Bargain, ScaryStories To Tell In The Dark, The Great Gilly Hopkins, The Same StuffAs Stars, Tell Me Three Things, The Dirt Diary, Loving Vs. Virginia,Bridge To Terabithia)oy