Sorry that this is kinda late but my dad came up to my room after i said i hated him andasked me why, and obviously i can’t let him know I’m still queer so i just said “i don’t know”and continued with that throughout the entire ‘conversation’Then my dad pulled the ‘let’s make this about me’ card and said “my daughter just said shehates me this is the worst day of my life.” Like stfu dadThen he pulls out the victim card and goes “I’ve done nothing wrong, why would you hateme?” Again, shut up dadNext he talks about mom and goes “you would hate your mother? She bought you all thosedressed to try on for that party a week ago, she cooks meals for you and raises you!”So I’m all like “you can’t guilt love out of me dad”And he’s all like “I’m not trying to guilt it out of you!” Then why would you say it dad??*facepalm*Then he was like “am i doing something wrong?” And i had to lie and be like “no”Then he goes “you’re gonna have to do some spiritual digging if you hate me for no reason.How is your relationship with god?”The Bible ain’t gonna fix the fact you’re homophobic dadOh and I’ve become an atheist so double whammyIn the end he came to the conclusion that it’s ‘just a phase’Hah if only he knew