Just a little love story 😉

fists a

T: Jk is that you? J: oh hello taehyung! T: I thought that was you. What are you doing here? J: oh..
you didn’t know I box? T: no I didn’t. J: that’s surprising even when it’s coming from you. T: i surprise
everyone. J: I was hiding from my crush that’s why I’m behind this mirror. T: oh. Boy or girl? J: girl
dummy. T: anyway, you coming over tonight? J: yea I’ll be there at 7:30. T: alright don’t forget like
last time. J: I won’t i promise.
Later at 7:48.
T: he’s supposed to be here…he even promised.
Jm: I bet he forgot again.
T: just like he also does.
J: SORRY IM LATE * he said with blood dripping and him grasping for air*
j: I got in a wreck with some idiot driver.
T: are you hurt?
Jm: what does it look like dummy.
T: let’s get you cleaned up.
Jm: I’ll make the popcorn and get the movie started.
J: ow…
T: I’m sorry did that hurt?
J: yea it kinda di- *slips off the wet tile*
J: … Taehyung..?
T: are you ok? Jungkook?
J: *blushes* yes I’m ok..
T: yea Ik this is a weird position-
J: Eh…Taehyung
T: yes Jk?
J: your elbow is digging in my side…
T: oh sorry jungkook
J: it’s ok
T: *mind* oh it’s not my elbow it’s my hand
J: can we get up now?
T: *chuckles* yes sorry lov- I MEAN JUNGKOOK!
J: you called me love hahahahaha
T: it was by an accident sorry *blushes a lot*
J: I think it was cute
T: jungkook I think I like you..
J: I-… I like you to