(Tag my @ and I’lljudge <3 don’t beshy answer your way)Kindness is an ability gaffeIefindnessnono and never will bnever choosechubby n loving OfcIM biff'Intertisizehard worker money don't rlly matter i'll spoil u if uw m day'tsom who accepts being wrong is legit so sweetcutee they technically understandif they accept being wrong but either wayi would pick the same answerAre u a good bf/gf test (tag meand I’ll tell if you are)Personality or Looks?Abilities or kindnessDoes looks matter?Is it wrong to date someone larger than you?Fit and toxic or chubby and loving?Hard worker but gets paid low or slacker but getspaid a lot?Always had to be right but understanding or neverunderstanding but accepts being wrong?Cooking,cleaning, etc…