aIt TarE Er I3 E Id6,3034sc EIif I the idiotIÉÉy anMErm..Uh..😓Dis why yomama so uglyand fat..Class presentation@_____________You’re mom is so fat and ugly becauseyour mom.the endClass presentation@______________I want to talk about ur dadbc he left w da milk@__________________’sperspective of his/her sheet@__________________’sperspective of his/her sheetWHY SCIENCE IS COOLOKAY GUYZ SO …*insert nerdytext*Always scared TheconfidenceoneThe goofy ahhnerd class Z Cteachingsu gaJE catHgjII
E.II hurryyounger sis broI pop OK BeEager IghtitD II DClass A2getting in trouble•Have a goodday at school! T TaiI j http j senseios ÉiIÉzPRESCHOOLWook, i dew a stick figrre!!