Hello my lovely followers :)I’m posting this note to give you a heartfelt thanks for all the loveand appreciation you have given me for the two years I’ve been onthis app. I’m also here to tell you that I am quitting. I am so sorry, it’snot you guys, it’s school. I have recently been informed that theNotability Gallery has been restricted on the school iPads. You mightbe wondering how I’ve been posting, and it is because of my gmailaccount. The gmail account I up to the gallery with was deleted ayear ago, Notability still allowed me to post and comment, but I wasnot able to receive emails. The glitch allowed the Notability gallery tobe unrestricted by the school. At the end of this school year, myiPad will be wiped, therefore forcefully removing my Notabilityaccount. If the new iPad doesn’t have the Notability galleryrestricted, I will return. If I do return it will be in Autumn. When I havereturned I will post multiple notes on the account with the hashtag:#crystalmoonSearch the hashtag once Autumn comes, if I am there, my noteswill come up. I will be posting and commenting still, but I wanted towarn you guys.Love, @crystalwolf