Animation Registration!So Im going to be making and animation and posting it on my YouTube channel,! Thisanimation willBe a small fan animation from Fundamental Paper Education, but i wanted to dosomethingSpecial by using some of your OC’s with credits at the end! And i want you toregistration!Requirements to register:Must have an OC•Have to fill out registration in next page•Tag me in your registration•Comment who you wanna be first before registering•If someone already took a role, it dosen’t matter!•DONT STEAL OC’s•I will google lens your OC to check if you traced/stole•Use creativity•Must be FPE•Must be black and white•Using bases are allowed but GIVE CREDIT•I can tell when you used a base•I can literally tell if you stole art•DONT TRACE•DONT TRACE•DONT COPY•DONT COPY•GIVE CREDIT FOR BASE•GIVE CREDIT FOR BASE•DONT STEAL ART•DONT STEAL ART•If you have done the following requirements, flip the page for registration!