IFBEINA B aHow To Draw:English Tack Bridle Reins1 23 4iStart with a red linearound the nose for anoseband and, then asmall blue circle for thebit.Use more red lines to drawthe rest of the bridle, using2 blue lines as buckles.Do a black line to attract tothe bit and up to theshoulder of the horse, thendo a black line from behindthe neck to be the reins.Change the red to either blackor brown, and the blue to eithergold of silver. Saddle1 23 4aD DColour it in.Make the red and blue to eitherblack or brown, and the stirrup toeither silver or gold.Then draw a blue line betweenthe ova and circle. Also draw aline down, and a line on theside for stirrup lead, then do ared semicircle with a limeunder it for the stirrup.Draw a red circle, a smallcircle over it and an ovalbehind it on the horses backfor base of the saddle. Saddle Pad1 23 Colour it in whatevercolour you want.Draw a oval andsquare on thehorse’s back.Draw a black outlinearound the pad and erasethe red. GirthI 2D D3 Colour the girth inwith the colour youpicked.Draw a red. Rectangle with a smallblue rectangle on each side.(You need a saddle for this)Make the blue light grey ortan, and the red black orbrown.