Baimao character profile
Name: Baimao (⽩⽑) meaning white fur
Age: 10-13
Height: About 130-150 cm
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Domestic Cat (magically enhanced)
Special Traits: Genuinely has nine lives (total lifespan of about 100-150 years), ability to transform
into a human
Likes: Sleeping, animals (especially feline animals), science, learning about magic (specically
animal-related), reading books
Dislikes: Herself and others like her being treated dierently due to things like not being a pure
human, gender, or appearance, any canine animal (due to her being a cat)
Relationships: Starr (best friend and owner of her cat form), Ember (best friend), Snapper (friend)
Favourite Food: Fish
Favourite Drink: Bubble tea (milk tea)
Favourite Animal: Any feline animal, particularly cats
Favourite Place: Her home
Appearance: Pale skin, white shoulder-length hair with bangs, one blue eye and one yellow eye.
Preferred outt is a white T-shirt with light grey sleeves and a red collar, as well as light blue jeans
and a white cat beanie. Cat form has white fur (hence her name) and the same mismatched eyes.
Backstory: Baimao was born an ordinary cat, with no magic. Her rst owner, an elderly man, was
very kind to her. However, after he passed on, her new owner was cruel and abused her. She was
often left in her cage with no food or water for weeks. Eventually, her owner left her in the cage and
never returned, even after months. She starved to death, but was mysteriously given the gift of
magic in her last moments. After breathing for the last time, she went limp for a few minutes. Then,
she suddenly began to breathe again. Later, a girl named Starr found her, rescued her, and later
adopted her. Since then, she has mastered her magic (with the help of Starr, Ember, and Snapper)
and is able to transform into a human. She has also learned that she has eight lives, one having
been spent after she starved. She wishes to seek out other animals like her, who can transform into
a human. She also wants to learn more about her magic.
Personality: Baimao is somewhat insecure and timid. However, she can stick up for herself or her
friends if needed. Being a cat, she has a very cat-like personality, namely preferring to keep to
herself or her close friends.
Cat form
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