*Me & my dad arguing over my grades and how I can dobetter*My dad: UGH! JUST GO TO YOUR F-KING ROOM!Me: *holding back tears and screams* I WILL NEVER BEGOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU WILL I!My dad: of cou-Me: ANSWER TH F-KING QUESTION!My dad: *stands there silently*Me: *crying* *wipes tears* your a pathetic excuse of a fatherMy dad: DO YOU REALIZE HOW HARD I WORK FOR YOUAND YOUR SIBLINGS! YOUR JUST UNGRATEFUL! *hitsthe wall*Me: Yeah you “work hard” but you weren’t their f-kingMOTHER since you were 4-5 yo now where you. You whereoff in work land while mom was overdosing by the minutedrinking and h-ll she was sleeping a quarter of the time Lillydid even have a chance of having a actual loving family herfamily was her f-king siblings and I WAS HER F-KINGMOTHER FIGURE NOT YOU NOT SAMANTHA ME.My dad: just go to your roomMe: gladly *goes to my room**gets in and locks thedoor**starts throwing things, crying and screaming**the next day*Me: *goes to school* *sees my friends and acts like nothinghappened**everyone leaves for class*Bubba: hey what’s wrong..?Me: Nothing I’m fine!Bubba: you can always talk to me you know that..Me: *hugs Bubba crying saying how everything hurts*