Evolutionarybiology byYale introductionspecies are compete tion for anything that sendtheirgene to next generationthere will always be variation in reproductive sucesslike height weight skin colourHow Bat hunt in DarkMÉÉÉ5 his planet has a comon elementexcept virusesbirds aremywordmockingilandwithdifferentstele Basic transmissiongeneticsEukaryotes organisms withcells containing a nucleusThe DNA resides in a muliplelinear chromosomes in the cellnucleuschromosomes are long structureconsisting of a central scaffoldaround which the DNA molecule iswrapped together with associatedproteinsunicellular organisms lacking anucleus e.g bacteria the DNAforms a continuous loop called acircular chromosomegenes are found in a specific location come indifferent formsLoaf specific site at which agene is located ona chromosomealleles which differs in nucleotide sequenceiAnorganismeamingtrodiffrentallelesforth organismearyingtwoidenticalallelesiscalledhomozygous2daughter prom it takes haployed TYMEsets of eromosomst it takesdeployed parentgets complete Will with blue eye is married to jhon who has brown eyesall the other man knows have blue eyesjill has a blue eyed baby what is the probabilities thatjohn is not the father should he be worried simplyon genetic grounds