hi have no ideaon eyesUse thisNextpage Step by Steptooistep I2 823 534 545 55 StepIDraw a straight line, at your likings! Step 2That straight line you just drew, add a curve. Itis going to end up looking like a shoe kind of.Like a half shoe. You don’t have to do the colorblack you can do any color! step 3III stadddotheCurveThis step three is kind of like step two butinstead you’re gonna add a longer curve. Itis a bit easier because you just have toconnect the curve. Try doing what thedrawing below has. Step 4Now connect the full eye, withthe whole straight line that youdrew in step one. Step 5BocaCreate the pupil, color the eye in white first.Then color in the people that you just createdany color that you like.