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go 8 8
Date: Afrmation:
Why do I feel this way?
Ways to take care of myself
3 goals for today
What 1am grateful for
Thoughts & Reections
Happy. Satised. Lonely. Annoyed.
Grateful. Relaxed. Depressed. Sad.
Proud. Calm. Anxious. Angry.
Motivated. Powerful. Hurt. Annoyed.
Productive. Excited. Frustrated. Exhausted.
What can I do to make my next day better?
Energy Level
Today I feel...
Stress Level Hours of Sleep8
Febuary 22 2023
Today will be a good day
Because everything has gone well today
Every way possible
Good person
Do good in school
Do good in sports
Do everything good possible
Everything good in my life
Lots of good things