So about 4-5 months ago I bleached the front of my hair just a little bit (my hair’s black) and I went toschool cuz ofc I thought it was cool (I’m in 9th grade btw) yea so I go to school and apparently no onelikes my hair -.- my friends like my hair 💕 but no one else :( and there’s this one girl who I hate withall my heart let’s call her sally (no offense if ur name is sally T-T) so Sally here is my partner for aproject bc our last names start with the same letter. And this is English which I don’t really like…soSally is like “oh hey @fr00tyl00ps I ✨ love✨ your hair” and I’m like “shut up sally” and she’s like “ohwas it a mistake…oops” and then she laughs and I’m like “SHUT UP SALLY IT WASNT A MISTAKE ANDFYI I LOVE IT,” and then she has the never to be like “someone’s a little sensitive today,” and I wasliterally done with her so I said, “the only person sensitive here is you bc ur hair looks like a birds nest”ofc sally goes and tell the teacher (total pick me girl move) and then I got sent to the principal. Oops.And my mom wasn’t mad at me she was just disappointed which made me even sadder bc I know howhard it is for her to raise 2 kids on her own 😭 so about 2 months after that incident there was✨ picture day✨ so my mom made me wear a dress shirt and all that stuff but I didn’t really mind cuz Ididn’t really care about my picture day photo. Ofc my bleach was gone by then so I looked ok, so I wentto school and luckily sally didn’t see me, so I was in the line, like yk the line to take ur picture. Myfriend behind me let’s call him bob. So bob is brushing his hair and getting ready so I’m like “wow ulook good” and ofc sally shows up and she’s like “ew are you ✨ gay✨ ” and I was like “no I’m not,” andshe’s like “why are u flirting with bob” so bob says “why are u flirting with @fr00tyl00ps?” And then shefinally goes away. I successfully take my picture and come stand next to bob and my other friend let’scall her Emma. So I’m talking to Emma and we got super bored so we started giving each other piggy-back rides around the gym. The teacher obviously yelled at us but everyone was doing it now so thegym teachers didn’t care. Sally ofc comes stands next to me and Emma and Bob. And she’s like “oh soyou’re with Emma now,” she said giggling. And I’m like “girl why are u so obsessed with me all thetime?” And she just stares at me. And Bob says “yeah u always come over here and annoy us.” AndEmma nods. Sally says “Whatever” And walks away. Like, she’s so annoying. Anyways that’s the story ofmy life pt 1.Ty for listening see you guys for pt 2💕