TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 1I Broke My Own HeartBy: Mia Henry (Mia Henry)Date (03-3-23)When I think I did it to myself.It was my fault now that I think about it.I put myself out there too insecure.I poured out my feelings too harshly on him.He showed me everything I wanted my world to be.He told me the things I wanted to hear.He showed me how I wanted to be held by someone.He showed me what love is and how it affects me as a person.He fought for us even though we fought.He said “ I love you and don't ever forget it.”He went broke because of me because he cared that much for my happiness.He paid attention to me.He knew it wouldn’t be easy but he kept on going.He knew we would have bumps in the road to love but never gave up.I kept knocking him down day after day but he never left me.Until that one dreadful day.___ TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 2I threw all of that away because of my foolish mind and feelings.I broke myself and him.When I laid and cried with the hoodie I realized what I had done to us.I knew from that moment my heart was broken.It wasn't his fault though.It was mine, so in a way I broke myself and the heart that I treasure.DO