Breast Cancer Ribbon: PinkThe pink ribbon, today so quickly identified as a symbol in the fight against breast cancer, was firstintroduced during the 1990s as part of the Susan G. Komen New York City Race for the Cure.1Breast cancer survivors often don the ribbon or iterations of it on t-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, andeven tattoos. Healthcare professionals and those working for a cure and awareness also use theribbon to encourage screening for the disease.The second most common cancer after skin cancer, breast cancer is diagnosed in more than290,000 people each year.2 Thanks to early detection and better treatments, though, survival ratesare improving.Prostate Cancer Ribbon: Light BlueAbout 14.7% of all new cancer diagnoses in the United States are for prostate cancer.3 However,this type of cancer is talked about far less than other cancers that occur less frequently. That's atleast partially because men are less likely to want to discuss their prostate cancer diagnosis.The light blue ribbon was designed to bring attention to this disease that can often be successfullytreated and has a five-year survival rate of 98%.4Lung Cancer Ribbon: Pearl or WhiteAs the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, a lung cancer diagnosis can beespecially frightening.5 A pearl or white ribbon then seems an appropriate sign of hope for thosefighting the disease, supporting loved ones, and working to find a cure. Ribbons as well as otheritems, such as pearl jewelry or white clothing, are sometimes worn as a way to build awareness oflung cancer.A goal of many people and organizations is to create an understanding that those with lung cancerare not to be blamed for their disease. While lung cancer is associated with smoking, that does notmean that those who smoked and now suffer should be forgotten. In addition, more than half of thepeople diagnosed with lung cancer are former smokers or people who have never smoked.6 Colon Cancer: Dark BlueColon cancer, often referred to as colorectal cancer, is the fourth most common cancer in the UnitedStates, and it is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths.7 When the disease isdiagnosed in the early stages, it has a 90% survival rate; however, the prognosis becomes worse ifthe cancer isn't caught until it's spread to surrounding tissue and lymph nodes.The dark blue ribbon that represents colon cancer awareness is often used in conjunction withefforts to encourage regular screening among those who have no symptoms but are over age 45. Acolonoscopy is often recommended to identify polyps and remove them before they turn intocancer.Pancreatic Cancer: PurpleWhile pancreatic cancer is uncommon, it ranks as the third leading cause of cancer-related deathsin the United States.8 This is because it is often not diagnosed until the disease is fairly advanced.Pancreatic cancer awareness, including wearing purple ribbons, consists of encouraging those atrisk to be screened. If you have a close genetic relative with the disease or if you know you havecertain genetic disorders, it's recommended that you get genetic testing for pancreatic cancer. Talkto your doctor about your risk and possible screeningsOvarian Cancer: TealOvarian cancer is the eighth most common cancer among people with ovaries worldwide.9 You'remost at risk if you're postmenopausal although genetic factors, fertility problems, and endometriosisalso seem to increase the chances of developing ovarian cancer.Because this cancer may not present with any symptoms in the early stages, the best way to ensurean early diagnosis is to get regular pelvic exams. Diagnosis can also be achieved throughtransvaginal ultrasound and blood tests.The use of teal ribbons and special events each September bring awareness to the need for theseregular check-ups and to support those who have been diagnosedSkin Cancer: BlackThe most prevalent cancer in the United States, skin cancer affects an estimated 3.3 millionpeople.10 A black ribbon represents awareness for all types of skin cancer, but some subtypes usetheir own colors.There are three main types Brain Cancer: GrayThere are two types of brain cancer: one originates in the brain and the other has spread to the brainfrom another part of the body. There is a wide variety of types of tumors that can develop in thebrain. The type of tumor, location, and whether or not it originated in the brain determines how it istreated.Gray ribbons are worn to show support for survivors and those who have brain cancer. Fundraisersand awareness events are often held in MayHow Many Cancer Ribbon Colors Are There?There are 57 common cancer ribbon colors. While some cancer ribbons are well-known, others areoften only worn by a select group of supporters. However, there is a great need to draw attention toall types of cancers. Here is a directory of the different ribbon colors used to promote awareness fordifferent diagnoses and the months traditionally set aside for those groups