Lura POV SoE 7
I had almost nished the drawing but the time we stopped. I Put my
journal back in my bag. I get up and one last sip of my hot chocolate. It
was ok but Dev made a better one. Remembering that I was alone made
tiny daggers attack my heart. I took a deep breath and collected myself.
About halfway through the train ride I had researched my Destination.
Mount Othyrs was a formidable mountain. It was guarded by daughters
of Atlas who also resided there. A tree of golden apples was guarded by
the dragon. Overall, pretty well defended. Atlas was known for being
persuasive to try to trick people into holding up the sky for him. Ok the
kids probably have a plan but what’s mine? I think to myself as I get off.
They walked to the mountain with me close behind. The tree that held
the golden apples was a magnicent sight. They spilt up with the new girl,
CJ daughter of Hermes(made sense), taking Evelyn with her ying shoes
and Cypher and Knole going on foot. Hmm. I thought. I watched as they
made it across and I waited for my chance. I snuck around the dragon
which I was surprised by but I praised my luck. I was able to get around
easily. I couldnt believe My luck. I sent a silent thank you to who ever
had helped me. I ran to catch up and was glad they hadn’t gone far. I
gripped my sword and waited for the worst. Then a rock slipped. I tensed
and thought they heard me but they continued to talk like normal. I
breathed a sigh of relief and continued on. That was too close.