higuys so im really busyand i dont really have time to draw on
hereanymore SORRY So im not fully leaving like i'll still rarlycheck up but im still gonna be gone Theres been alot of acusatio
about metracing IMNOT but its really annoying to have to keep
explaining and i really dont have time anymore Last year i
was homeschooled cause of traveling and i had a lot of timeto drawon here but now im back in school so its not the same
f Ireally love all yall 0 especiallyall my besties on here And
i really have appriciated galls support Ive been through a lot
on here The sup123 drama being banned by him
losing 400 t followers be of being banned and just growing
through my art with yall 80 Im so sorry i'lltry to make
art on occasion Love yall forever and ever
Lauren1 doc martin lover 2023