whati got 0C MAKER bystankycheezTatters skin colorSpecies Birth month100 You chooseJan Human 99 80 AlbinoFei Empire 80 75 FairApr Farie 75 60 Tanmaymermaid 60 50 0 mediumsun siren so 40 very darkJul dragon 40 30 AnyAug Angel Primary color.noSep You chooseOct Witch wizard 30 0 1 AnyNov alienDec Human secondary colorEye Color Color of shirtIf shirt is multicoloredthen give em heterochromiaNumber of Eyes how many bottles in yourroom I eye so on2 2 eyesthis one CLOTHESI 1st in bday mmtad yyO You choose1 Emo Grunge2 Cottage core3 Fancy megasupreme overlord of formalAccessories MISCOnly child missing limbsone sib Glowing eyes2 or more sib big shady capeStraight hairclipGay ringsLesbian GlassesAromantic TatoosSmth I didn't list Animal accesoriesPansexualDRAW YOUR OC HEREThe one you just madefiaQIiIftiiit.is