Sex/Gender: Female / Female.
Age: 16 - Born 1st of August.
Appearance: Short and underweight with bronze skin, she has a very gentle feel about her. She has serene, round, blue eyes,
angular eyebrows and hollow cheeks. She has short, straight, black hair. She has slender hands, a narrow torso with no chest
muscle tone, and round hips.
Personal Status
Social Class: Upper middle class.
Education: Great at maths.
Marital status: Single - Friendships only (Heterosexual)
Job: Chiropractor (Trainee) - 89% satisfied
Financial status: n/a.
Personal views
Religious view: Atheist.
World view: Idealist.
Racial views: "Everyone is equal".
Gender bias: "Judge people based on ability, not gender".
Age preference: "Adults are more important".
Nationalism: "This country makes me sick!".
Conflict: "Violence solves everything".
Physical/Health: Has no notable health issues.
Quirks: Is superstitious.
Likes: Activism, and making and sharing memes.
Dislikes: Strangers, and sarcastic people.
Afraid of: large bodies of water (Aquaphobia)
Self-satisfaction: 39% - Increasing.
Fitness level: 48% - Increasing.
Motivator: n/a
Skills: Skilled at hunting. Knows how to play the bass guitar.
Colours: Likes Yellow.
Music: Likes Latin.
Foods: Other people's cooking
Book Genre: Drama
Animal: Beluga Whale
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Personality Type: ENTP - The Visionary
(Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving)
Friendliness: Good
Honesty: loyal
Assertiveness: dependent (on her sisters)
Confidence / Ego: humble
Agreeableness: compromising
Manners: Bad mannered
Discipline: Patient
Rebelliousness: Unconventional
Emotional capacity: compassionate
Intelligence: Contemplative
Positivity: Calm
Activeness / Lifestyle: Enthusiastic
1. Have a voice like pattering rain.
2. Have active acne.
3. Often have a particular smell.
4. Are extremely ticklish.
5. Are a poor judge of character.
6. Lose things easily.
7. Consistently over-complicate things.
8. Laugh very loudly.
9. Are adopted.
10. Drink a lot of soda.
They also:
11. Always take recreational drugs.
12. Always know what phase the moon is in.
13. Always seem to be in debt.
14. Stay calm under pressure.
15. Are incredibly cowardly.
16. Can usually diffuse bad situations easily.
Power Type 1:
1 - Shape-shifter. (Change the user's shape to physically resemble another creature or object)
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Power | Power origin | Skill Level:
1st | Mixed species | Complete control
Strengthened by: Nervousness
Weakened by:
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