this is for my one and only love- princess peachpeach, ur so cool, and with my star we're gonna rulepeach, understaaaand, i'm gonna love u till the very endpeaches, peaches, peaches peaches peachespeaches, peaches, peaches peaches peachesI LOOOOOOVE UUUU, ohMario, Luigi, and a donkey kong tooooa thousand troops of koopas couldn't keep me from upeach, at the end of the line,I'LL MAKE U MIIINE, OHpeaches, peaches, peaches peaches peachespeaches, peaches, peaches peaches peachesi loveeee uuu ohPEA CHES PEACHESPEACH PEA-5 bowser'seyes when4 73peach wouldn't RILEmarry him